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Copyright Policy

VBCL Law Review requires a copyright agreement to be submitted by all the authors along with their manuscripts. The form of the copyright agreement is uploaded on the website under the section FORMS for the authors to download, fill it up and submit it along with their manuscripts.
The journal requires its authors to transfer their copyright over their manuscripts after publication. However, if any manuscript is not selected for publication, then the copyright agreement shall cease to operate and the authors shall have full copyright over their manuscript that has not been published.
The copyright policy of the journal demands for copyright transfer from the authors since such transfer provides the journal with the following liberties:
1. Liberty to publish the manuscripts at all social media platforms;
2. Re-publish in future with appropriate attributes to the authors;
3. Restricting the same manuscripts from being published by other publishers with commercial motives after being edited to avoid conflict of interests and unreasonable competitions from parallel platforms;
4. To demand royalty or to sell the subscription of the manuscripts to meet the expenses of publication, if required in future;
5. To sell the images, or figures, or diagrams, or any part of the manuscripts on approval from the authors or creators of such contents;
6. To preserve the intellectual property of the publication from being misused; and
7. To smoothen the publication process.
The copyright policy of the journal provides the authors the following rights:
1. The authors can preserve their intellectual property rights over the contents or research works mentioned within the manuscripts;
2. Nonexclusive right to make copies of the published manuscripts either in electronic or print version for academic purposes including for presentation of lectures, seminars, conferences, etc. provided proper attribution is made;
3. Nonexclusive right to distribute published manuscripts either in electronic or print version for free of cost (non-commercial uses) to enhance educational benefits in institutions, provided proper attribution is given;
4. The right to include the contents of the works published either in whole or in part in research thesis, provided such thesis shall be the work of the authors and proper attribution is given;
5. Right to store or achieve the published manuscripts in any non-commercial educational or institutional repositories provided proper attributions are made; and
6. Right to self-archive the published works.



Prof. Raghunath K.S, 
Vaikunta Baliga College of Law, 
Kunjibettu, Udupi, 
Karnataka: 576102
Mobile : 6363768001

© VBCL2024

Website created by Aequitas Victoria Foundation

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