Vaikunta Baliga College of Law, Udupi, a unit of Dr. T.M.A. Pai Foundation, Manipal is affiliated to Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi. The institution is offering both 3 year LL.B., and 5 year B.B.A, LL.B. The Editorial Board of the AIJVBCL invites articles on legal issues having contemporary importance, case comments and book review for its second issue. Authors are requested to strictly adhere to guidelines regarding footnotes. Submissions of scholarly, original and unpublished written works from persons across the legal profession-academicians, students and research scholars are invited to this online venture.

About the Online Journal
VBCL has its own flagship print journal VBCL Law Review indexed in UGC Care List. The primary aim of the journal is to publish high quality research papers from among the legal fraternity. The journal anticipates scholarly submissions on contemporary issues of law.
Categories For Submission
Submissions can be made under the following categories:
Article: 3000-8000 words- The article must be an indepth analysis of a legal issue of relevance. It should include valid source of reference and contributions in the form of alternatives and suggestions.
Short Note: 2000-4000 words- The short notes must be an analysis of contemporary legal issue and should include valid footnotes.
Case comment: 1000-3000 words- The case comment must be an analysis of a recent judgment.
Book Reviews: 1000 - 3000 words- The review must be a crisp account of a recently published book in any area of law, including the issues explored and related arguments of the author.
Note To Authors
The prescribed word limits are inclusive of footnotes. Submissions are expected to be in conformity with the guidelines listed below. Kindly go through them carefully before mailing your submissions. We promptly acknowledge the receipt of submissions and a decision on publication takes a minimum of 4-6 weeks approximately.
Guidelines For Article Submissions
Submissions are to be made in electronic form and should be sent to
All submissions for the current issue must reach us on or before 10th February 2025. Each Article is expected to be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words and 5 keywords.
By submitting the article,the author is presumed to undertake a declaration to the effect that the article has not been published, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere.
All submissions will be reviewed by the Editorial Board and Peer Review Committee. Authors of short listed entries will be intimated separately for clarification and suggestion of the Editorial Board.
Publication Charges : Rs 500
After the Peer Review process, the selected papers will be initiated through separate mail regarding the payment
Style And Formatting Guidelines
Format: The submissions must be in MS Word (.doc) format. All submissions must be 1.5 lines spaced in Times New Roman. Main text should be in font size12 and footnotes in font size 10.
Page set up A4 sheet Text alignment: Justified
Mode of Citation: OSCOLA Citation Format
Titles: The main title must be centered and typed in bold capitals. The section titles must be in small capitals (without bold). The titles and sub-titles must be uniform, concise and descriptive.
Quotations: Quotations should be clearly indicated and should always be accurate.
Foreign Words: Foreign words not currently absorbed into the English language should be italicized, e.g., inter alia, bona fide, et al, ad hoc etc.
References: Endnotes are not allowed. The authors are entirely responsible for accuracy of facts and citations.
For any queries please contact
Editor-in –Chief: Prof. Raghunath K.S. Principal
| Associate Editor: Smt. Surekha K. Mob: 9844098054 | Assistant Editor: Dr. Jayamol P.S. Mob: 6363768001 |