Board of Editors
Dr. Elisa Bertolini
Managing Editor
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Ms. Elisa Bertolini is an Associate Professor of Comparative Public Law at Bocconi University. In 2004, year of her degree in Political Sciences from Università di Pavia, thanks to her thesis Il sistema giuridico giapponese e le influenze del costituzionalismo occidentale Bartolini won the 'Tour of Japan for European Youth', organized by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Four years later, she obtained her PhD in Comparative, International and European Politics and Institutions from Università di Teramo with the thesis La tutela dei diritti fondamentali della persona dal Giappone antico ad oggi: tra tentazioni occidentali e radicamento asiatico.
Elisa Bertolini has been a visiting student at Ludwig-Maximilians Universitaet in Munich (2009) and also in Berlin, at Freie Universitaet and Von Humboldt Universitaet (2005).
My main research fields include: 1) The Japanese constitutional law, with a particular focus on the Japanese Supreme Court. 2) The constitutional arrangements of micro states. 3) The Internet governance, with a specific focus on the Chinese experience and the progressive building up of a surveillance state.